Juno is one of the 5 international brands, selected by Origin Passion and Beliefs, to present the design and production skills of Italian companies...
Continua a leggereJuno is one of the 5 international brands, selected by Origin Passion and Beliefs, to present the design and production skills of Italian companies...
Continua a leggereAttraverso i caratteri distintivi del marchio, la SS20 di Juno incarna lo spirito di una funzionalità atemporale. Veste una donna che sceglie un’op...
Continua a leggereFemminilità riletta in modalità minimal, con eleganza e comfort: la proposta per la FW 19 di Juno veste una donna che sceglie un’opulenza quotidian...
Continua a leggere“The Aperitif Mood” project by Laura Zanoletti & Vincent Giordano. October 2018, Milan. The Amaro Mood The Bellini Mood The Martini Mood The Ne...
Continua a leggereMinimalism, versatility, daily opulence: the key words of the Juno SS19 collection dress a femininity that is whispered and dynamic, rened and powe...
Continua a leggereThe best of linen story. The entire Juno Spring Summer 2018 collection is crafted with natural fabrics, organic cotton, linen and silk, and designe...
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